Monday 19 April 2010

It's All Gravey!

I'm assuming the spellchecker function wasn't working the day the Town Hall Taven's menu went to press...

Priceless Art Sale Comes to Stretford

People flocked to Stretford Mall today with the hope of purchasing one of these remarkably life-like paintings of the Hollywood Stars. With pre-orders reaching record levels, these unique paintings could soon be out-selling the i-pad! I'm on the waiting list for a 'Daniel Craig' and can only hope the Turner Prize nominee artist has the time to produce enough paintings to satisfy demand.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Bottom's up!

It seems the shops have gone ass-crazy lately and they aren't afraid to show it! What with Quality Save venturing into the dangerous territory of 'ass products' and small Welsh tourist towns opening boutiques for the smart ass shopper... who knows what we'll see next...

Saturday 5 September 2009

Happy Daze

Not so happy days recently having spent a number of nights in hospital following what should have been routine surgery....

Day 1: Operation then out of it on drugs... the good life!
Day 2: Cheese Sandwich (uneaten), sick (not because of wine honest!), hospital radio request - Chicago!!!
Day 3: Gun slinging male nurse 'accidently' pushed out of a second floor window.
Day 4: Cheshire for recouperation...and pac-man get better soon cake courtesy of Andy

Just as I thought it was all over, I was consumed by agonising pain and it was back to hospital...although this time a different hospital without mental Maltese male nurses and perfectly spherical balls of mashed potatoe with every meal....

Day 1: Made to hug an x-ray machine and then admitted to super ward wth remote control beds
Day 2: Loads of nice food, endless cups of tea, Kraftwerk on Radio 2 whilst eating bakewell tart and custard, Aliens-esque eposide in the shower
Day 3: Looney old lady number one from bed opposite singing hymns at the end of the bed, looney old lady number two next to me wishing she 'could go to that place where they snuff you out' (she meant Switzerland). Kind surgeon telling me I could go home....woo hoo!

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Put A Bangin' Donk On It!

I like nothing more than stretching out on a sofa of an eve and checking out some banging tunes... this one is defo monumental - Susan Boyle "I Dreamed A Donk" (Skinimix)

Sunday 16 August 2009


Rather than coming to the gangster fancy dress party as an actual gangster Rob decided to come as MJ in the Thriller video!

Saturday 8 August 2009

Cadwgan Bun Fun!

Crazy Alpine golf, donkey chat, sexy poses, buns, Colossus and cheesy puff butties! Only Llandudno Alpine Ski Resort could possibly provide all this and more!
If you think I'm sexy and you want my body...
Spanning the continents... or a 4ft wide protective Alice in Wonderland statue trench!
American Civil War chic... and donkeys!
You used to be big. I am big. It's the pictures that got small.
Dr. Dolittle... and friends
You used to be big. I am big. It's golf that got small.
The BMJ technique as used by Bethan Jones... and Tiger Woods
munching on a cheesy puff!
check out my buns! Hilarious hi-jinks once again!
Beth ate her bun in one go... and this was her fifth Cadwgan bun in a row! Later on she folded a 12" dominoes pizza in half and ate that in one go too... however there's no footage of that as the photographer got too close and ended up being swallowed whole! Herman Melville RIP.